How do I ensure correct salary supplements in Frontliners?

To guarantee that all employees in the system receive the correct salary calculations, it's essential to ensure that the proper settings, such as salary groups and applicable supplements, are accurately assigned.

Below are detailed steps to ensure correct setup and calculations.

  1. Assign Salary Groups:
    1. Navigate to the employee management section in the system.
    2. Select each employee and ensure the appropriate salary group is assigned based on their role or category. This step is crucial because salary supplements, such as nighttime or weekend allowances, depend on the correct salary group.
  2. Verify Salary Supplement Configurations:
    1. After assigning salary groups, check that the necessary salary supplements are correctly linked to the corresponding groups. Look for the allowance types that apply specifically to each employee's working hours or special situations (for instance, late-night work).
    2. If any employee does not seem to receive the proper supplements, verify if they are included in their designated group.
  3. Manual Adjustments:
    1. If any discrepancies are noticed, such as an employee appearing with excessive logged hours or not receiving the correct supplements, manually adjust their shifts or time entries within the system.
    2. Navigate to the time management or scheduling section, review their clock-in/clock-out records, and adjust as necessary to reflect the accurate working hours.
    1. Before processing the payroll, conduct a thorough review of all employee salary entries and allowances. This includes looking for any unusual entries or exceptions.
    2. After adjustments, run a preliminary calculation or simulation of the payroll to confirm that all figures reflect the intended salary rates and supplements.
  4. Training and Updates:
    1. Regularly provide training for relevant personnel on the latest updates in the system to ensure everyone is familiar with the functionalities affecting payroll management. This ensures that everyone involved is skilled in navigating potential workflow challenges.

By following these steps, you can ensure that all employees receive correct salary calculations, maintain organized payroll processes, and adhere to the organization's payment policies.