How do I transfer salary from Frontliners to our payroll system

To ensure a smooth transfer of employee and salary data from Frontliners to your salary system, please follow the steps below.

1. Set Up the Salary System Integration

First, make sure that the correct salary system and salary start day are selected in Frontliners.

  • Navigate to Settings:

    • Go to FinancePayroll.
    • Click on the Settings icon (usually represented by a gear or cogwheel).
  • Select Your Salary System:

    • Choose your salary system from the list of available integrations.
    • Set the Salary Start Day according to your payroll cycle.

2. Available Integrations

Frontliners currently supports integration with the following salary systems:

  • Manual File Uploads:

    • DANLØN
  • Automatic Integrations (with automatic transfer of employees and salary data):

    • INTECT
    • PROLØN
    • SALARY
    • ZENEGY

3. Prepare Employee Data

Ensure that all necessary employee information is correctly entered in Frontliners. This is crucial for both manual and automatic integrations.

Required Employee Information:

  • CPR Number (Social Security Number)
  • Address
  • Bank Information (Bank name, registration number, account number)
  • Tax Card Information
  • Payroll Reference Number (for DANLØN and DATALØN)
    • Update the Payroll Reference No in Frontliners to match the employee number used in your salary system.

Note: For automatic integrations, Frontliners will act as the primary data source for employee information. Any updates should be made in Frontliners and will automatically sync with your salary system.

4. Transfer or Export Salary Data

Depending on your chosen salary system, the steps to transfer or export data will differ.

For Manual File Upload Systems (DANLØN and DATALØN):

  1. Initiate Export:

    • Navigate to FinancePayroll.
    • Click on the Export button located next to the Salary tab.
  2. Review Data:

    • A detailed overview of the data to be transferred for the selected period will be displayed.
    • Check for any missing information or errors highlighted in the summary.
  3. Handle Missing Information:

    • If there is missing information (e.g., missing CPR numbers or bank details), update the employee records in Frontliners before proceeding.
  4. Export File:

    • After verifying the data, click Export to generate the file.
    • Save the exported file to your computer.
  5. Upload to Salary System:

    • Log in to your salary system (DANLØN or DATALØN).
    • Navigate to the import or upload section.
    • Follow the system's instructions to upload the exported file from Frontliners.

For Automatic Integration Systems (INTECT, PROLØN, SALARY, ZENEGY):

  1. Set Up API Integration (if required):

    • Generate an API Key:

      • In your salary system, navigate to the API Keys section.
      • Create a new API key named Frontliners.
      • Grant full read and write access.
      • Copy the API key.
    • Enter API Key in Frontliners:

      • In Frontliners, go to FinancePayroll.
      • Click on the Settings icon.
      • Paste the API key into the designated field.
  2. Enable Additional Settings:

    • NemKonto:
      • Enable NemKonto if required for automatic bank account validation.
    • Automated Employee Creation and Updates:
      • Enable Automated Creation of Employees to allow Frontliners to add new employees to your salary system.
      • Enable Automated Update of Employees to sync any changes made in Frontliners to the salary system automatically.
      • Hover over the information icons (i) for more details on each setting.
  3. Grant Access to Frontliners (if required):

    • In your salary system, you may need to grant Frontliners access:
      • Navigate to CompanyManage Users.
      • Add as an External Payroll Administrator.
      • Assign Administrator rights under Extra Permissions.
  4. Initiate Transfer:

    • In Frontliners, go to FinancePayroll.
    • Click on the Transfer button located next to the Salary tab.
    • Frontliners will automatically transfer the employee and salary data to the selected salary system.
  5. Confirm Data Transfer:

    • Log in to your salary system.
    • Verify that the employee and salary data have been updated correctly.
    • Check for any notifications or error messages that may require your attention.

5. Review and Verify Data

  • Check Employee Records:

    • Ensure that all employees are listed correctly in the salary system.
    • Confirm that personal details and payment information are accurate.
  • Validate Salary Data:

    • Verify that salary amounts, hours worked, and any additional compensation are correctly reflected.
  • Address Errors:

    • If there are discrepancies or errors, return to Frontliners to correct the data.
    • Repeat the transfer or export process after making corrections.

Important Considerations

  • Data Accuracy: Keeping employee data up-to-date in Frontliners is essential for accurate payroll processing.
  • Primary Data Source: For automatic integrations, Frontliners should be considered the primary source of employee data.
  • Compliance: Ensure that all data complies with local laws and regulations regarding payroll and employee information.
  • Support: If you encounter issues or have questions, contact Frontliners support for assistance.

By following these detailed steps, you can efficiently transfer salary data from Frontliners to your chosen salary system. This process ensures that your payroll is accurate and that all employee information is up-to-date.