Where can I view employee satisfaction in Frontliners?

To monitor employee satisfaction in Frontliners, follow these steps:

Enable Employee Satisfaction Measurement:

  • Navigate to ScheduleSettings.
  • Toggle "Measure Employee Satisfaction" on.

2. Viewing Employee Satisfaction:

  • Go to the Frontliners home page.
  • Select "Year" as the time frame.
  • Choose "Employee Satisfaction" from the available graph options to see satisfaction scores.

3. Employee Satisfaction Calculation (NPS):

Frontliners uses the Net Promoter Score (NPS) model to calculate employee satisfaction. Here’s how the score is calculated:

  • A: Number of scores 9-10 (Promoters)
  • B: Number of scores 0-6 (Detractors)
  • C: Total number of scores 0-10

(A * 100) + (B * -100) / C


  • A = 80
  • B = 10
  • C = 120
    (80 * 100) + (10 * -100) / 120 = 58

4. Subscribe to Monthly Reports:

You can subscribe to a detailed monthly report with scores and comments by emailing support@frontliners.ai.


The NPS score provides a clear indicator of employee satisfaction and can be tracked over time to assess changes in engagement.

This version provides a detailed step-by-step explanation of how to enable, view, and calculate employee satisfaction in Frontliners and how to subscribe to reports.